The City of Starfall

Learn more about the City of Starfall here.

Elysian Fields

During the rebuild while Nicholas II was Mayor, he focused on cleaning many of the neighborhoods and providing a pristine environment where the families that once thrived in Starfall could have purpose. Elysian Fields homes were always those that were harbored by the many of the families who had a long and expensive investment in Starfall city. By putting priority in cleaning this enclave, it would give the people who had much to lose a base to feel safe and protected in.With a impoverished society, crimes were running rampant and it was best to find security before tackling the biggest obstacles in the street. There were gates that were instilled around these homes along with guards to ensure the security of those who thrived here. Years and care had continued to build this part of the city as it sits at the border away from the crimes. Most criminals would have to cross Enchanted Falls to get to this territory and often guards that are set to instill the safety of this neighborhood are often observant due to the mistakes of the city’s past.Most of the money continues to build Elysian Fields — it’s full of elegant museums, parks and lounges that are intended for the lavish lifestyle to flourish here. Due to it’s border, it sits at the lakeside that surrounds the city; the glistening waves of the water reflecting against the sunlight’s heavy beam. The scents of the air are crisp and clean, a sanctuary that is a haven to the important families of Starfall. Homes don’t often go one sale in this area and when they do, they’re completely unaffordable.

Enchanted Falls

Enchanted Falls, a once-promising neighborhood that garnered much attention during Nicholas II's rebuilding efforts, now stands as a driving force amid the tumultuous landscape of the city; however, its development was interrupted, leaving it less protected than the fortified enclave of Elysian Fields. Despite its idyllic façade, Enchanted Falls remains vulnerable to the insidious influence of crime and mischief, with its open borders and unguarded homes offering ample opportunity for troublemakers to wreak havoc.In the looming threat of darkness, Enchanted Falls remains a bustling hub of liveliness and camaraderie, home to a myriad of community centers, schools, emergency services, and businesses. Along the tranquil streets and picturesque surroundings, those with dreams and aspirations flock, drawn by the promise of realizing their ambitions in a relatively safe environment.At the heart of Enchanted Falls lie its beloved coffee shops, such as the popular Zippidy Brew, where patrons come and go, seeking respite from the chaos of the outside world. Nestled nearby is Paopu Bakery, its doors open wide to welcome visitors with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked treats, overseen by the spirited redhead named Kairi. Meanwhile, Astera and Buds, a charming tea house and café, offers a cozy retreat for those seeking solace amidst the chaos, its owner Ava harboring a secret identity as the leader of an underground activist group known as the Dandelions.Elsewhere in Enchanted Falls, Aerith and Giselle tend to the flourishing blooms of Fleur's Repose, a quaint flower shop bursting with vibrant colors and fragrant scents. Nearby stands Merlin's Museum, a testament to the arcane arts and mystical wonders that lie hidden within the city's depths. For those seeking knowledge, the Arendelle Library stands as a bastion of learning, its shelves lined with tomes containing the wisdom of ages past.But despite the tranquility that pervades Enchanted Falls, Sheriff Bigby remains ever vigilant, his tireless efforts to maintain order challenged by the nefarious machinations of the Police Commissioner, who works behind closed doors to undermine his authority. Meanwhile, Judge Frollo, preoccupied with maintaining his iron grip on power, turns a blind eye to the plight of the impoverished residents of Starfall, leaving Enchanted Falls to navigate the treacherous waters of uncertainty alone.As day turns to night, and the shadows lengthen across the tranquil streets of Enchanted Falls, the daunting bridge that overpasses the lake serves as a grim reminder of the precarious balance between light and darkness that defines life in the city. Despite its beauty, Enchanted Falls remains a place teetering on the edge of chaos, its residents forever caught in the crosshairs of fate's unpredictable whims.

Spellbind Docks

Spellbind Docks is a vibrant hub nestled within a Elysian Fields and Enchanted Falls, teeming with enchantment and charm. At its heart lies a serene lake, where glistening waters reflect the magical aura of its surroundings. The docks themselves stretch elegantly along the shoreline, adorned with a medley of boats ranging from sleek rowboats to majestic sailboats, each whispering tales of adventure on the open waters.As visitors and residents amble along the docks, they're greeted by a bustling array of shops and stalls, each one offering a cornucopia of goods and experiences to tantalize the senses. The air is alive with the scent of freshly caught fish, the savory aroma of exotic spices, and the sweet perfume of enchanted herbs.Scattered amidst the shops are a plethora of eateries offering appetizing fare from all corners of the realm. Patrons can indulge in hearty meals at rustic taverns, sample exotic delicacies at bustling market stalls, or savor refined cuisine at elegant waterfront restaurants.For those with a penchant for adventure, the docks offer more than just shopping and dining. Fishing enthusiasts can charter boats to explore the lake's depths in search of elusive aquatic treasures, while thrill-seekers can embark on guided tours to uncover the mysteries hidden within the surrounding mysterious forests of Thornbridge Meadows.In Spellbind Docks, the act of shopping transcends mere commerce—it becomes a magical journey, where every purchase is imbued with the essence of the fantastical world that surrounds it. Whether one seeks to stock up on supplies for their next quest or simply lose themselves in the wonders of the imagination, the docks offer an enchanting escape like no other.

Thornbridge Meadows

Welcome to the Thorbridge Meadows, a mystical forest ensconced on the outskirts of Starfall. Here, amidst the towering trees and whispering leaves, lies a realm of wonder and enchantment, where fairy tale characters find themselves trapped in a world far removed from their once-cherished homes they once knew.Thornbridge Meadows serves as a beacon of the magic that was lost behind the curse that binds its inhabitants, a haven of uncertainty and secrets waiting to be unraveled. As one ventures deeper into its verdant depths, they are greeted by a tapestry of wonders that defy explanation.Among the gnarled branches and twisted vines, tales abound of treehouses adorned with twinkling lights, serving as sanctuaries for lovers seeking refuge from the mundane world outside. Here, beneath the canopy of stars, one can whisper their deepest desires and watch as the heavens above answer with a shower of shooting stars, each one a wish waiting to be granted.Winding pathways lead through frightening cornfields, where whispers of villainous callings echo in the breeze, warning trespassers to tread lightly lest they fall prey to the dark forces that lurk within. Yet, among the shadows, there lies a a guiding light in the form of Mrs. Potts' cottage, a quaint hideaway bed and breakfast where honeymoon couples find solace in each other's arms, shielded from the chaos that surrounds them.Haunted theaters beckon with promises of spectral performances and ghostly apparitions, their faded grandeur a testament to a bygone era of glamour and intrigue. Meanwhile, secret gardens serve as hideaways for the unwicked, their lush foliage offering sanctuary to those seeking respite from the trials of modern life.In the heart of the forest, intertwined by tangled undergrowth and whispering winds, lies a world of magic and mystery waiting to be discovered. Residents navigate the trials and tribulations of a modern society, their stories woven into the very fabric of the forest itself, a testament to the enduring power of imagination and the resilience of the human spirit.

River Styx

Proceed to the right for information on The River Styx.

Welcome to the grim and foreboding streets known as the River Styx, where danger lurks around every corner and the stench of decay hangs heavy in the air. This once-united territory has been torn asunder by betrayal, leading to a fractured landscape where chaos, death, and crime reign supreme. The streets of the River Styx are a lawless expanse, where the territories are divided between warring factions, each vying for dominance in the midst of the bleak landscape. Despite the constant threat of violence, an uneasy peace prevails, with each gang maintaining a tenuous truce, choosing to focus on their own affairs rather than engaging in outright conflict.Yet, even amidst the semblance of order, the shadows teem with treachery and deceit. While some gangs adhere to a strict code of conduct, others operate outside the bounds of morality, preying upon the vulnerable and unsuspecting with ruthless abandon. Traveling through the darkened alleys of the River Styx alone is a perilous endeavor, inviting trouble for those ill-prepared to face the dangers that lurk in the shadows. The pervasive odor of gasoline and sewage permeates the air, a noxious reminder of the desolation that grips the land. The nearby lake, its waters akin to the legendary River Styx, serves as a grim testament to the countless souls lost to the unforgiving depths. It is from this macabre backdrop that the territory draws its name, a haunting reminder of its troubled past and uncertain future.In this lawless wasteland, survival depends on one's ability to navigate the treacherous currents of intrigue and betrayal. Each gang offers a modicum of protection to those who pledge allegiance, yet even within their ranks, not all adhere to the same moral code. It is within the confines of the Jolly Roger Night Club and the Arabian Nights, the base of operations for Hook's gang challenges power against Freyr's gang, Drake's Fang, operating from Night Sky Casino which controls the ins and out of money laundering and where the tenuous balance of power is maintained, serving as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that shrouds the River Styx.In the shadowy recesses of the River Styx, encircled by the desolation and despair, lies a sinister underbelly teeming with illicit activities and hidden vices such as Underground fighting rings and illicit acts that are not for the faint of heart. Here, amidst the crumbling facades of abandoned buildings and haunted opera houses, the denizens of the night seek solace in the embrace of darkness. Brothels such as the Notre Dame Club beckon with promises of fleeting pleasures, their neon lights casting an eerie glow upon the fog-shrouded streets. Within their walls, patrons indulge in forbidden desires, their secrets cloaked in the veil of anonymity that pervades the night.Amid the debauchery and decadence, there are those who have fallen through the cracks of society, seeking refuge in the forgotten corners of the city. Orphanages, their windows darkened and their halls echoing with the whispers of lost souls, offer sanctuary to the downtrodden and the desperate, their doors open to those in need of shelter and succor. Mechanic shops and bars, struggling to eke out a living along the pervasive atmosphere of crime and corruption, serve as havens for those seeking respite from the chaos that grips the city surrounded by the clang of metal and the raucous laughter of unruly residents, a fragile sense of community endures, binding together those who refuse to succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume them.And hidden among the shadows lies the clandestine Court of Miracles, a secretive enclave dedicated to aiding those unjustly accused of crimes they did not commit. Led by shadowy figures who move unseen through the labyrinthine streets, the Court offers sanctuary to the innocent, shielding them from the watchful gaze of law enforcement, particularly the terrifying Judge Claude Frollo. In the River Styx, where crime and corruption hold sway, survival is a constant struggle against the encroaching darkness. Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, pockets of humanity endure, their flickering flames of hope illuminating the path to redemption for those brave enough to seek it.